Declaration of Independence 1364

$ 10.00

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Declaration of Independence 


 JULY 4, 1776 


We hold these truths to be self-evident,

 that all men are created equal, that they 

 are endowed by their Creator with certain 

 unalienable Rights, that among these are

 Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

 “As Americans, we can take enormous

 pride in the fact that courage has been

 inspired by our own struggle for freedom,

 by the tradition of democratic law secured

 by our forefathers and enshrined in our 

 Constitution. It is a tradition that says all

 men are created equal under the law and

 that no one is above it.”

 Barack Obama 44th President 

 of the United States of America 

 "He's articulate. But he's 

 got a long way to go to be president." 

 George W. Bush, 43th President 

 of the United States of America 

" When slaves who are happy & content to remain 

 with their present masters, are tampered with &seduced

 to leave them  it introduces more evils than it can cure." 

 George Washington, 1st President 

 of the United States of America 

 " I advance it therefore as a suspicion only, 

 that the blacks, whether originally a distinct race,

 or made distinct by time and circumstances,

  are inferior to the whites in the endowments both 

of body and mind."   

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President 

 of the United States of America "

 U.S. freed blacks ought to be permanently

 removed beyond the region occupied by or

  allotted to a White population." 

 James Madison, 4th President

 of the United States of America

 " The negro is torn from Africa, a barbarian, 

 ignorant and idolatrous; he is restored civilized,

 enlightened, and a Christian."

  John Tyler, 10th President of 

 the United States of America

 " A slave dreads the punishment of stripes

 (i.e. whipping) more than he does

 imprisonment, and that description of punishment

 has, besides, a beneficial effect upon his 


 James Polk, 11th President 

 of the United States of America

  " You have been at the South and you can best 

 appreciate the feeling excited by John Brown's

 foolish and criminal invasion of Virginia. He

 doubtless believed what these insane fanatics 

 at the North have taught, that the slaves

 would rise in mass and join his insurrectionary 

 standard, and the result, I think has had one 

 good effect; and that is to show the people

 of the North, that the slaves themselves 

 do not regard their condition as so bad that 

 they have any strong desire to change it." 

 Millard Fillmore, 13th President 

 of the United States of America 

 " I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in 

favor of bringing about in any way the social

 and political

 equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor

 ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors

 of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office,

 nor to intermarry with white people; and I will

 say in addition to this that there is a physical

 difference between the white and black races which

 I believe will for ever forbid the two races living 

 together on terms of social and political equality."



Abraham Lincoln,16th President

of the United States of America 




" If you liberate the negro, what will be the next 


step?…Blood, rape, and rapine will be our portion.


You can't get rid of the negro except by holding 


him in slavery."  




Andrew Johnson, 17th President 

of the United States of America.



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