Muhammad Speaks #1032

$ 8.00

Caption from poster__



 Muhammad Speaks

 The Messenger of A



Column #1
The Black
by Malcolm X (1963)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

teaches us that no people on earth

fit the Bible's symbolic picture about

the Lost Sheep more so than America's

twenty million so-called Negroes and

there has never in history been a more

vicious and blood-thirsty wolf than the

American White man. He teaches us

that for four hundred years America

has been nothing but a wolves den

for twenty million so-called Negroes,

twenty million second-class citizens,

and this Black revolution that is deve-

loping against the White wolf today is

developing because The Honorable

Elijah Muhammad, a godsent shepherd,

has opened the eyes of our people.

And the Black masses can now see

that we have all been here in this

White doghouse long, too long. The

Black masses don't want segregation

nor de we want integration .


What we want is complete separation.

In short, we don't want to be integ-

rated with the White man, we want to

be separated from the White man.

And now our religious leader and

teacher, The Honorable Elijah

Muhammad, teaches us that this is the


Continue on page 5c



 Column #2
of the
Black Man
By Elijah Muhammad
Is to do something for his Black self
and Black kind. THE DUTY of the BLACK
MAN IS self-preservation. EVERY LIFE
that is created on the planet earth has a
duty. It is bound to this duty, by nature,
to do something for self. THE ONCE slave
 Black Man in America -- enslaved by the
 white people, his white slave master and
enemy, made the Black Man a subject
and keeps him a subject by depriving the
Black Man of the knowledge of self and
the doing for self. These are the two most
 hated things which the white man hates
to have come to the Black Man -- the
 freedom to DO something for Black self
and the freedom to THINK for his Black
self. He hates for the Black Man to be a
visionary for his Black self. He hates for
 the Black Man to control ideas that will
produce recognizable constructive plans
 and doing for Black self.

We are just entering into a day and time that
we should have had 100 years ago.  AS
YOU SEE, my Followers and myself try the
utmost to do something for self and this is
hated by white America. We are an
example for the Black People here in
America who wish to try and do some-
thing for self  Whites are angry  
 Continue on page 5a 


Muhammad Speaks was the title of one of the largest publications ever produced by Black people in the United States. Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad began the paper in 1961, it's first issue bearing the title, "Some Of This Earth To Call Our Own Or Else". Like all newspapers, it covered current events in the world, as well as relevant news in African American communities and within the Nation of Islam. The paper was sold door to door by Nation of Islam members and in the temples of the Nation of Islam. According to famous black rights activist Malcolm X in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, the newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, was originally created by Malcolm X himself, although this hasn't been confirmed. What has been confirmed is that Malcolm did help in the start of a local paper in New York City, entitled "Mr. Muhammad Speaks", not to be confused with the national paper "Muhammad Speaks". However by that time, Elijah Muhammad had used several literary vehicles to get his words to the majority of the Black population, the most well-known being the "Pittsburgh Courier". The men of the Nation of Islam, during this period greatly increased the distribution of the "Pittsburgh Courier" because it contained the messages of Elijah Muhammad.  

Now available 11" x 17"
Print with Black Frames $25.00

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