$ 25.00

Caption from poster__



" We the people."

It is a very eloquent beginning. But when
the Constitution ofthe United States was
completed on the seventeenth o
September 1787, I was not included in that
We, the people,

Barbara Jordan (1977)
Barbara Jordan once wrote, `We the people'; it is a very eloquent
beginning. But when the Constitution of the United States was 
completed on the seventeenth of September, 1787, I was not
included in that `We the people.' As we mourn the loss of this 
great American, let us honor her by seeking to further the 
progress made since those early days toward true equality and
inclusion. During African American History Month and throughout
the year, we must embrace the diverse strands of our story so that
all children can see themselves in our Nation's past and know that 
they have a role to play in seizing the future's countless opportunities.

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